key west invisalign & clearcorrect

correct crooked teeth

Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners

Many patients want to improve and straighten their smiles with orthodontic treatment, but are deterred by commitment to a highly visible treatment with traditional braces. Invisalign and ClearCorrect make it easy to get a straighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile without the hassle of wires and rubber bands. The aligners are nearly invisible, so nobody will need to know that you’re in the middle of orthodontic treatment!

Unique Benefits of Clear Aligners

Advantages of Invisalign & ClearCorrect

  • Clear aligners are virtually invisible when worn and they do not affect your ability to speak. This makes them an especially good choice for adults who may be worried about the social stigma of braces.
  • Invisalign and ClearCorrect are removable, which means there are no dietary restrictions and it’s easier to keep your teeth clean throughout treatment.
  • Wearing aligners is more comfortable than wearing traditional braces since no sharp metal pieces are involved.
  • Aligners exert a more gradual, even pressure when correcting your teeth and treatment time is typically faster than traditional braces.

Typical Treatment Time

with clear aligners

If you wear your aligners properly, the average treatment time is under a year. Patients will typically need about 20-24 sets of aligners to complete treatment, and each set will be worn for 20-22+ hours per day. However, if you break or lose an aligner, or if you fail to wear your aligners for a minimum of 20 hours per day, your treatment may take longer. The duration of your treatment also depends on the specifics of your orthodontic needs. Schedule a consultation at Southernmost Smiles to learn more about how Invisalign and ClearCorrect can help!

The Original Clear Aligner System


Invisalign was the first popularized method of smile correction using clear aligners, and remains the top choice for many patients due to the durability and high quality of the plastic aligners. Invisalign uses advanced smile restoration software to design your highly personalized treatment plan and Dr. Weber has years of experience with Invisalign, so you can rest assured that the results of your treatment will be beautiful.

Alternatives to Invisalign


Invisalign and ClearCorrect are very similar methods of orthodontic treatment, though they differ in some ways. In many cases, ClearCorrect is a more affordable option, making it a great alternative for patients on a budget. Treatment time, pricing, and the specifics of your case depend on your orthodontic issues, so the best way to learn more about your options is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weber. We can’t wait to meet you and be a part of your journey to a more confident smile!

Take the First Step to a Straighter Smile!